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Good & Evil, Incorporated



I've written this version of the Wushu role-playing game for two reasons.

  1. As a free preview, it's designed to get Wushu's core rules into the hands of as many gleeful gamers as possible.
  2. As an Open License, it allows enterprising game designers to write and publish their own Wushu settings, adventures, and sourcebooks. Wushu Open is all about spreadin' the love!

You'll find the full text of the license at the end of this work. In short, it grants you permission to copy, modify, and distribute Wushu's core rules, or to create your own Wushu games, even for commercial publication, without paying me a dime. All I ask is that you slap my name on it somewhere. (See the license for details.)

However, I should point out that the license does not cover material that appears only in my other Wushu publications (, , the , and the original ). The stuff that's in this file is the only stuff that counts. If you have any questions, feel free to email me (

-Daniel Bayn

[comment author="Russell"]At this juncture, I should mention that I made small modifications to the text in the process of posting, mostly to facilitate easier reading. Also, while I've been reluctant to change Dan's words, please read "this file" above as "the Wushu Open section of this wiki."[/comment]

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Page last modified on March 30, 2006, at 05:57 AM